SCSU Election: Nominations are Open!
Sault College Students' UnionWelcome to SCSU!
At SCSU, the fun never ends! We always have stuff happening- from weekly karaoke to awareness events, fun experiences, and more! Stay up to date with our events so you never miss out. Check out our upcoming events now! |
SCSU Board of DirectorsWe are an exceptional group of dedicated students who lead and govern SCSU. We represent all students of Sault College at many levels. Our board works hard to ensure we hear what you, the students, have to say and we take that and do something with it.
Reach out to board if you have any questions, comments, concerns with regards to your student experience! |
SCSU offers many services to all of the students here at Sault College. From Used Book Sales, Health and Dental Coverage to Semester Long City Bus Passes and advocating on your behalf in a variety of capacities. The Student Union is here for you. If you have any questions email us at [email protected] or stop by F1200 and we would be happy to assist you.